Yorktown Campaign > Battle of Blandford

Battle of Blandford


The Battle of Blandford, also known as the Battle of Petersburg, took place on April 25, 1781, during the American Revolutionary War. This engagement occurred in Blandford, Virginia, which is now a part of Petersburg. The battle was part of the larger British campaign in the southern colonies and involved British forces led by Major General William Phillips and American forces under the command of Major General Baron von Steuben.


  1. Strategic Context:

    • By early 1781, British forces aimed to regain control of the southern colonies, including Virginia, through a series of aggressive campaigns.
    • The British sought to disrupt American supply lines and gather resources, while the Americans were trying to defend key locations and prevent the British from consolidating their power.
  2. British Objectives:

    • Major General William Phillips, commanding a force of British and Hessian troops, was tasked with moving into Virginia to support General Cornwallis’s operations.
    • Phillips targeted Petersburg due to its strategic importance as a supply depot and transportation hub.
  3. American Forces:

    • The American forces, commanded by Major General Baron von Steuben, consisted of militia and Continental Army troops. They were responsible for defending Petersburg and protecting valuable supplies stored there.

The Battle:

  1. Forces Involved:

    • British Forces: Approximately 2,500 troops, including British regulars and Hessian mercenaries, under the command of General Phillips.
    • American Forces: Around 1,000 troops, primarily militia, with some Continental Army regulars, led by Baron von Steuben.
  2. Initial Movements:

    • On April 25, 1781, Phillips's forces approached Blandford (Petersburg) with the intent to capture the town and seize the American supplies stored there.
    • Von Steuben prepared to defend the town, positioning his troops to resist the British advance.
  3. Engagement:

    • The battle began with the British forces launching an assault on the American defensive positions. The Americans, though outnumbered, fought tenaciously to delay the British.
    • The British used their superior numbers and training to push back the American defenders. The Americans conducted a fighting retreat, attempting to inflict as many casualties as possible while preserving their own forces.
  4. Key Moments:

    • Despite a determined defense, the American forces were gradually overwhelmed by the British advance. Von Steuben, recognizing the futility of continued resistance, ordered a withdrawal to avoid complete destruction of his force.
    • The British successfully captured Petersburg and the valuable supplies stored there.
  5. Outcome:

    • The battle resulted in a British victory, with the Americans suffering significant casualties and the loss of important supplies.
    • British casualties were relatively light, while American casualties included several hundred killed, wounded, or captured.

Aftermath and Impact:

  1. British Occupation:

    • Following the battle, British forces occupied Petersburg, using it as a base for further operations in Virginia.
    • The capture of Petersburg disrupted American supply lines and provided the British with a valuable foothold in the region.
  2. Strategic Consequences:

    • The loss of Petersburg and the supplies stored there was a setback for the American forces. However, it also demonstrated the Americans' ability to mount a determined defense, even when outnumbered and outgunned.
    • The battle highlighted the challenges faced by the Americans in defending key locations against a well-equipped and organized British force.
  3. Prelude to Yorktown:

    • The Battle of Blandford was one of several engagements leading up to the decisive Siege of Yorktown later in 1781.
    • The British success at Blandford contributed to the overextension of British forces, ultimately leading to their entrapment and defeat at Yorktown.


The Battle of Blandford remains an important episode in the Revolutionary War, illustrating the strategic maneuvers and clashes that characterized the conflict in Virginia.

Yorktown Campaign Battles


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